SONet 1st Community Meeting: Agenda, Oct. 7-9, 2009
last modified
Oct 07, 2009 11:18 AM
- Dates: October 7-9, 2009 (travel on Oct 6 and Oct 10)
- Venue: NCEAS, UC Santa Barbara
- Getting there: NCEAS is a brisk 20 minute walk from the Eagle Inn where people will be staying.
Meeting Goals
- Communicate SONet's mission and overall goals for the project, get excited!
- Collect enough information to create a 1st version of a Core Scientific Observations Model
- Community informs itself of various existing observation modeling approaches
- Collect use cases and usage scenarios for SONet and the Interoperability challenge
- Elicit requirements for a core obs model
- Plan Scientific Observations Interoperability Challenge
- Organize and compose SONet working groups
- Refine scope, purpose, deliverables of each working group
- Identify services SONet could provide that are useful to the community
- Start collection and organization of domain-specific ontologies and data
Pre-workshop preparation
- Read the following papers/specifications:
- Oct 7
- 8:00 am: Coffee @ NCEAS
- 8:30 am: Welcome and Introductions (Schildhauer)
- 9:00 am: Overview of SONet (Schildhauer)
- Start the workshop with our goals for SONet (Core Obs Model, Community (Meetings and site), services)
-- 4 working groups in SONet - Emphasis on Semantics in SONet
- 10:00 am: Break
- 10:30 Introduction to existing observation data models (15 mins each + 5 mins questions)
- Darwin Core + observational extensions (Kelling)
- VSTO Model (McGuinness)
- Observations Data Model,ODM (Valentine)
- SERONTO (Bertrand)
- O&M (Cox?)
- OBOE (Bowers)
- 12:30 pm: Lunch
- 1:45 pm: Overview of Core model goals and requirements for different types of data
- Discussion
- 2:15 pm Overview of use cases, charge to breakout groups
- 2:45 pm Breakout groups: Refining Use cases (O'Brien/Gries/Schildhauer/Bermudez)
- Product: well described use case, with data sets collated, specific semantic queries and integration tasks to be run, result set specified; define materials to be submitted; criteria for success defined
- 4:00 Break
- 4:15 Report, feedback, and discussion on use cases
- Oct 8
- 8:00 am: Coffee @ NCEAS
- 8:30 am Use breakouts reconvene
- Redirect and refine use case products from previous day's feedback
- 9:30 Use case wrapup discussion
- 10:00 Break
- 10:30 am Analysis and grouping of specific tasks and services that stem from use cases
- 11:15 am Large-group brainstorming for core model requirements
- Categorize into 5 task areas (e.g., Discovery, Integration (physical, schema, semantic), Visualization, Summarization, Data Mining)
- 12:00 pm: Lunch
- 1:15 pm: Afternoon
- 1:15 am Breakout groups: Core Model Requirements
- Product: refined list of requirements for Core Model from 5 major areas
- 2:30 pm Report back on breakout group requirements lists
- 3:00 Break
- 3:30 pm Demonstration project(s) planning
- Summary and goals of the demonstration projects (15 mins)
- Brainstorming activity: what types of demonstrations can be built that use these services that enable interoperability?
- Cross-walking tool to translate O+M, OBOE, etc to Core model and back
- Semtools: Morpho annotation, sensible summarization, Metacat semantic search, ontology management
- Brainstorm activity: what types of services and tools are needed?
- Service to retrieve data in core model
- Service to take query (in model terms) and get data back in model
- Service that lets obs in core model to be added to relational db via mapping to the relational db
- Service providing access to observation models or schemas
- Wrapup: prioritizing specific deliverables for demonstration projects (i.e., for demo group to undertake)
- Oct 9
- 8:00 am: Coffee @ NCEAS
- 8:30 am: Interoperability Challenge planning (Bowers)
- Overview and discussion (Bowers)
- Discuss milestones and timeline for the challenge (when released, do we meet, when is it finalized,special feature, ...)
- Define what the challenge teams are: open call? By invitation?
- Select use cases to be used for the challenge
- Refinement of use cases with specific tasks for the challenge
- 10:15 - 10:45 am: Break
- Identify Products and Metrics:
- time spent to incorporate data in framework
- Data represented in the model concretely
- What operations can be done with that representation
- Framework for challenge team reporting: how do teams report results; what should be reported; how reported
- Product: create the outline of the Challenge document (based on the existing draft)
- Product: organize the special feature issue (what are the papers in the feature; identify authors)
- 12:30 pm: Lunch
- 1:45 pm: Afternoon
- Working group planning
- What should the groups be -- those from the proposal?
- How should they be structured?
- Closing comments and thanks (Schildhauer)
- 3:00 pm Adjourn
- Luis Bermudez
- Nick Bertrand
- Benno Blumenthal
- Shawn Bowers
- Huiping Cao
- Simon Cox
- Philip Dibner
- Peter Fox
- Damian Gessler
- Corinna Gries
- Matthew Jones
- Steve Kelling
- Jessie Kennedy
- Ben Leinfelder
- Deborah McGuinness
- Margaret O'Brien
- Robert Raskin
- Mark Schildhauer
- David Valentine