Related Projects
Observations Workshop
Avian Knowledge Network
The goal of AKN
is to educate the public on the dynamics of bird populations, provide
interactive decision-making tools for land managers, make available a
data resource for scientific research, and advance new exploratory
analysis techniques to study bird populations. To do so, the AKN is
bringing together observation data on birds. This includes data from
bird-monitoring, bird-banding, and broad-scale citizen-based
bird-surveillance programs. All of the observation data are unified
within a distributed information architecture that is constantly
expanding. All data can be made accessible, and are archived in Cornell
University's data management infrastructure. Additionally, the AKN has
gathered over 1100 environmental, climate, and human demographic
variables that are linked to all AKN bird observation locations.
NASA Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology (SWEET)
project provides a common semantic framework for various Earth science
initiatives. The semantic web is a transformation of the existing web
that will enable software programs, applications, and agents to find
meaning and understanding on web pages. SWEET developed these
capabilities in the context of finding and using Earth science data and
- SWEET phase 2 report
- SWEET ontologies
Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory (VSTO)
project addresses key science areas such as solar-terrestrial physics
datasets, the highly interdisciplinary Center for Integrated
Space-Weather Modeling (CISM) model intercomparison, providing a
framework for collaboration and a basis for building and distributing
advanced data assimilation tools for the solar-terrestrial physics
community. This project will directly addresses key needs in
Cyberinfrastructure (CI) such as software tools and services,
interdisciplinary data integration, representation, metadata,
documentation, quality control and user community building.
ALTER-Net Classes for Environmental Data EXchange (CEDEX)
SPIRE Evolutionary Tree And Natural History (ETHAN)
will develop a framework to facilitate science research and education
on the semantic web, and will implement and evaluate prototype tools
and applications for use in the biocomplexity and biodiversity domains.
These capabilities include the ability to collaborate and convey
meaning through the automatic and semi-automatic semantic annotation of
web documents; to improve information retrieval using background
knowledge and inference; and to extract and fuse information from
multiple, heterogeneous sources in response to a query. A testbed for
prototyping these capabilities will be the web portal of the National
Biological Information Infrastructure. The framework will include
specifications for ontologies, protocols, agents, and tools for
authoring, automated ingest, and annotation. These tools will leverage
collaboratively constructed ontologies to bring diverse communities
together and enable community construction of scientific knowledge.
Additional domain-independent, general purpose ontologies will be
developed to enable metadata about the contents and structure of
databases and other knowledge repositories to be expressed in emerging
knowledge markup languages such as RDF and OWL. This will enable agents
to both access and index the hidden web, and will also support the data
mining of diverse and distributed databases.
- Upcoming ETHAN paper
- ETHAN ontologies
CUAHSI Observations Data Model (ODM)
Hydrologic Information System project is developing information
technology infrastructure to support hydrologic science. One aspect of
this is a data model for the storage and retrieval of hydrologic
observations in a relational database. The purpose for such a database
is to store hydrologic observations data in a system designed to
optimize data retrieval for integrated analysis of information
collected by multiple investigators. It is intended to provide a
standard format to aid in the effective sharing of information between
investigators and to allow analysis of information from disparate
sources both within a single study area or hydrologic observatory and
across hydrologic observatories and regions. The observations data
model (ODM) is designed to store hydrologic observations and sufficient
ancillary information (metadata) about the data values to provide
traceable heritage from raw measurements to usable information allowing
them to be unambiguously interpreted and used. A relational database
format is used to provide querying capability to allow data retrieval
supporting diverse analyses.
- ODM specification
KNB Ecological Metadata Language (EML)
The Ecological Metadata Language (EML )
is a metadata specification developed by the ecology discipline and for
the ecology discipline. It is based on prior work done by the
Ecological Society of America and associated efforts (Michener et al.,
1997, Ecological Applications). EML is implemented as a series of XML
document types that can by used in a modular and extensible manner to
document ecological data. Each EML module is designed to describe one
logical part of the total metadata that should be included with any
ecological dataset.
- EML specification
- EML download
NatureServe Observation Data Standard (ODS)
is intended to benefit the research and conservation communities by
facilitating data aggregation and sharing within and between
organizations, such as data discovery through global search portals,
and by fostering interoperability and collaboration. To achieve these
broader goals, NatureServe is a co-sponsor of the Taxonomic Databases
Working Group (TDWG) Observational Data Subgroup. NatureServe will be
offering this provisional standard as an input for that group’s work
towards an international observation data standard.
- ODS specification
TDWG Observation and Specimen Records (OSR)
Interest Group is to explore concepts and methods of biodiversity data
description, integration and transfer that fully integrate specimen and
observational data into existing data exchange schemas.
Canopy Database Project
The Canopy Database Project's
mission is to address issues of data acquisition, management, analysis
and exchange relating to canopy studies at all stages of the research
process. We develop informatics tools for canopy scientists, document
and publish datasets that demonstrate use of these tools, characterize
(and formalize in informatics terms) fundamental structures of the
forest canopy, and relate those structures to functional
characterizations for retrospective, comparative, and integrative
studies. We also aim to generalize the tools we develop (or show that
they are generalizable) to the larger discipline of ecology and to
articulate where current information technology is not adequate for
implementing tools for these scientists. In the latter case, we
communicate these needs to other researchers (specifically the database
and information technology communities).
SEEK Extensible Observation Ontology (OBOE)
OBOE is a formal ontology for capturing the semantics of generic scientific observation and measurement. The ontology provides a convenient basis for adding detailed semantic annotations to scientific data, which crystallize the inherent “meaning” of observational data. The ontology can be used to characterize the context of an observation (e.g., space and time), and clarify inter-observational relationships such as dependency hierarchies (e.g., nested experimental observations) and meaningful dimensions within the data (e.g., axes for cross-classified categorical summarization). It also enables the robust description of measurement units (e.g., grams of carbon per liter of seawater), and can facilitate automatic unit conversions (e.g., pounds to kilograms). The ontology can be easily extended with specialized domain vocabularies, making it both broadly applicable and highly customizable. In particular, explicit “extension points” allow new types of observable entities (e.g., tree, rock, population), characteristics (e.g., height, color, diversity), and unit definitions to be easily added. Finally, we describe the utility of the ontology for enriching the capabilities of data discovery and integration processes.
OGC Observations and Measurements (O&M)
O&M is a conceptual model and encoding for observations and measurements. This is formalized as an Application Schema, but is applicable across a wide variety of application domains.
- O&M specification
Marine Metadata Interoperability Project
The goal of MMI
is to promote collaborative research in the marine science domain, by
simplifying the incredibly complex world of metadata into specific,
straightforward guidance. MMI hopes to encourage scientists and data
managers at all levels to apply good metadata practices from the start
of a project, by providing the best advice and resources for data