Coastal Use cases.html
last modified
Jun 07, 2010 02:40 PM
Specific Challenge Tasks
- Discovery: Discover Nitrogen concentration data to Kelp forest from Santa Barbara and Monterey that is outside the kelp forest but within 1km distance
- requires polygon/footprint for the kelp forest locations as input
- data can come from different sources (moorings, ship samples, AUV sample)
- Assessment: Determine if given data source can be used in particular method for estimating Nitrogen
- requires describing and matching constraints of the nitrogen estimation model of interest
- Integration: Create a derived data product that contains observations from each of the appropriate data sources with an estimate of Nitrogen delivery (mass per time vectors) at given scale X (space+time) for each kelp bed
- requires combining concentration data with current data to produce mass flow vectors
{Pacific} Kelp Nitrogen budget: Overview of Use case steps
- Find distribution of kelp forests (of interest)
- Estimate terrrestrial N inputs
- Estimate ocean N inputs
- Estimate N sinks
- Calculate overall budget
- Compare budget effect in El Nino vs non El Nino years
Use Case 1: Estimate Nitrogen Input from streams into Kelp forest systems for Pacific Coast
- Goal
- Discover data that quantifies sources of Nitrogen in various kelp systems
- Calculate a nitrogen budget for the system using historical data
- Summary
- Queries
- Find distribution X of kelp beds on Pacific coast
- Find data that quantifies nitrogen inputs from terrestrial sources into X
- Stream output of nitrate (Nitrogen per minute at creek mouth)
- Find data that quantifies ratio of nitrogen isotopes in plants to determine source of N as ocean vs terrestrial
- Operations/Tasks
- Integrate stream output data accounting for protocol differences in sampling regime at stream mouths
- Determine if given data source can be used in particular method for estimating Nitrogen
- Transform data for use in particular model to calculate Nitrogen
- Data sets and associated metadata
- Data on nitrogen (several forms: total N in water, total N in plant)
- Observations (e.g., water bottle samples from cruises, samples from kelp plants, samples from watersheds)
- Instrument measurements of Nitrogen
- Modeled: nitrogen estimate based on models of nitrogen budgets
- current, temperature
- Kelp distribution
- Data on delivery
- Satellite data
- color -- biomass
- salinity
- surface temperature
- Metrics of completion/success
Use Case 2: Nitrogen Budget for Kelp forest systems for Pacific Coast
- Goal
- Discover data that quantifies sources of Nitrogen in various kelp systems
- Calculate a nitrogen budget for the system using historical data
- Summary
- Queries
- Find distribution X of kelp beds on Pacific coast
- Find data that quantifies nitrogen inputs from terrestrial sources into X
- Stream output of nitrate (Nitrogen per minute at creek mouth)
- Find data that quantifies nitrogen inputs from ocean sources into X
- Find data that quantifies uptake of nitrogen in Kelp, turf algae, and phytoplankton
- Production rate at small scales extrapolated to whole bed and then region
- Probably involves experimenta that estimate uptake rates under various conditions
- Find data that quantifies ratio of nitrogen isotopes in plants to determine source of N as ocean vs terrestrial
- Operations/Tasks
- Integrate stream output data accounting for protocol differences in sampling regime at stream mouths
- Determine if given data source can be used in particular method for estimating Nitrogen
- Transform data for use in particular model to calculate Nitrogen
- Data sets and associated metadata
- Data on nitrogen (several forms: total N in water, total N in plant)
- Observations (e.g., water bottle samples from cruises, samples from kelp plants, samples from watersheds)
- Instrument measurements of Nitrogen
- Modeled: nitrogen estimate based on models of nitrogen budgets
- current, temperature
- Kelp distribution
- Data on delivery
- Satellite data
- color -- biomass
- salinity
- surface temperature
- Metrics of completion/success
Use Case 3: Predict effects of El Nino on Nitrogen Budget for Kelp forest systems for Pacific Coast
- Goal
- Then predict nitrogen in Kelp in El Nino vs non-El Nino years (requires integration across data sources)
- Data sets and associated metadata
- What data can be used to define El Nino state?
- Need historical classification of El Nino events according to some set of authorites
Use Case 4: Oceanography (for calibration purposes)
- Description: User would like to get data from different platforms to compare different measurements on an area and time of interest. For example, to cross-calibrate instruments.
- Queries: User requests data constrained by parameter (e.g. sea Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen), time (start, end), geographic location (latitude / long bounding box), depth (min, max), procedure and event of interest. Procedures can be platforms, such as fixed platform (e.g. mooring), a mobile platform (autonomous underwater vehicle ) and a remote platform (e.g. satellite). Procedures can also be a survey (such as a dive expedition). Event of interest is related to values of parameters. For example favorable upwelling conditions (winds at mooring SE at more than 5 m/s).
- Data sets and associated metadata:
- Mooring data in the Monterey Bay for water temperature via SOS getObservation response. ( includes metadata and data). More examples at the NDBC web site.
- Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) 2009 missions from MBARI in NetCDF. Includes values for temperature, depth oxygen, nitrate, etc..
- Sea Surface Temperature (SST) from NOAA satellites available at Coastwatch. More here.
- Dive expeditions. Data link to be added.
- Integration tasks: Display data from these different platform at the same time. Find when they overlap using radius of 5 KM and time < 4 hours, and depth < 10 m).
Other use cases
Urchin exclusion experiments on kelp growth rate